
Want the Business Blueprint to Manifest Anything You Want for FREE (value $397)? Get my MANIFEST ANYTHING YOU WANT Book for Just $19.99!

Ready to Live Your Dreams?
Then THIS is the Only Book You Need


6 Magical Steps to Create An Extraordinary Life

Just $19.99!

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Ever tried manifesting your great big, beautiful life and business visions and dreams? If you’re going, “Yeah, of course!” then you already know…

Chanting positive affirmations all day

Putting together a perfect vision board

Writing a daily gratitude list…

…or working with “Google-able” manifesting activities gives you mixed results – sometimes you get what you want and many other times you don’t.

So why don’t these tools work for you every time? What are you doing wrong? Absolutely nothing!

When It Comes to Manifesting with Repeatable Accuracy and Speed There’s a Missing Piece of The Puzzle Most People Don’t Know About

But first, let’s get something straight: affirmations, visualizations, and many other traditional manifesting methods can work really well BUT there’s a caveat.

A perfectly designed vision board holds absolutely ZERO manifesting power if we’re in a place of fear, guilt, uncertainty, or doubt while we’re putting it together and it’s because…

Attracting All That You Desire With Ease, And Consistency Isn’t So Much About What You’re Doing On The Outside

Whether you’re looking to manifest:

  • True love that lasts a lifetime
  • A gorgeous house by the beach
  • A highly profitable business you love
  • SO much money you can donate to your favorite charities without holding back …

…it’s all  about how you’re showing up inside yourself.

In other words, becoming a masterful manifestor isn’t just about what you are doing – the manifesting activities and tools you use –  but who you are being.

And that’s where Manifest Anything You Want can change everything for you!

This is NOT Just Another Book About Using Affirmations and Gratitude Journals to
Manifest Your Desires

Manifest Anything You Want takes you way beyond vision boards and visualizations.

And it’s possibly the ONLY book that focuses on the art of becoming a manifestor by being who you
truly are

You’ll learn that the journey to becoming an intentional co-creator of your life with the Universe as your all-powerful partner is about manifesting from a place of inner safety.

It’s about being true to yourself and recognizing False Desires that arise from something or someone outside yourself like family or cultural belief systems and expectations.

This uniquely empowering book shows you exactly how to confidently and unapologetically be YOU so you can (literally) attract anything you want with effortless ease!

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Sneak Peek: What’s Inside Manifest Anything You Want


The ONE thing you need to focus on for a successful manifesting experience even if you’re struggling with lots of chaos and challenges in your life (Chapter 1)


1 Healing Breath and how you can use this Microaction Manifesting tool to step into your most powerful manifesting state at any time (Chapter 2)


How to transcend manifesting challenges that arise from painful experiences such as discrimination, oppression, financial strife and more (Chapter 3)


An incredibly “toxic” habit that’s holding you back from instantly dialing up your inborn manifesting power (Chapter 4)


9 unexpected signs that a serious block is getting in your way and what you can do to dissolve it for a joyful, successful manifesting journey (Chapter 5)


An incredibly powerful yet fun path to create a synergistic, virtuous cycle of more and more good things flowing into your life (Chapter 6)


Your Manifesting Avatar and how you can tap into this elevated version of yourself to collapse time and space and speed up the manifesting process (Chapter 7)


The specific, high-vibrational energy that magnetizes miraculous synchronicities, and out-of-the-blue opportunities that will bring your desires right to your door (Chapter 8)


6 magical manifesting ingredients plus 18 manifesting recipes to attract anything you want with delightful ease and astonishing accuracy (Chapter 9)

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“… signal to the Universe that you are ready for the bigger, better, more beautiful reality” Publisher’s Weekly

“Rajah advocates for moving beyond affirmations, visualizations, and other mainstream methods of manifestation and toward a process of releasing fear and embracing self-acceptance to build a life that reflects what you believe in. Rajah helps readers to identify their core desires and get out of the universe’s way so those wishes can come to fruition, a process that is achieved partly by accepting one’s circumstances and signaling to the Universe [that] you are ready for the bigger, better, more beautiful reality.”

“… she brings everyone—from all religions, races, and cultures—into the fold and shows them her simple and accessible approach for a better and more fulfilling life…” – Amy B. Scher, bestselling author of How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can

“Shantini is the fresh voice we need, where in today’s world, the discussion about manifesting fails to address complexities and inequities, leaving many feeling defeated from the start. In Manifest Anything You Want, she brings everyone—from all religions, races, and cultures—into the fold and shows them her simple and accessible approach for a better and more fulfilling life, without the blame and BS.”

“… boldly go out into the world and bring your most extraordinary vision to life” – Ajit Nawalkha, cofounder of Mindvalley Coach, former CEO of Mindvalley, and author of Live BIG

“Manifest Anything You Want is a refreshing take on how to make your goals and dreams a reality. It is filled with unique and powerful practices that will take you on a journey back to yourself so you can boldly go out into the world and bring your most extraordinary vision to life.”

I’m a writing and manifesting mentor for world-class conscious entrepreneurs and brands.

I’ve manifested some pretty extraordinary experiences in my life and business including:

  • Amazing clients like Mindvalley, and Donna Eden and having my writing featured in prestigious publications like Forbes, Inc. and more
  • 1:1 coaching clients I adore, who have successfully manifested things like a multi-million dollar dream home, and 6-figure months in business
  • First class travel and luxury resort holidays (like my unforgettable island birthday celebration at the phenomenal Four Seasons in Langkawi, Malaysia!)
  • Donating thousands to my favorite animal charity without holding back

And perhaps the most delightfully unexpected manifesting result so far – my book, Manifest Anything You Want 🤩

I beat astronomical odds to land a book deal with the oldest, and largest independent publisher for mind, body spirit books in the entire freakin’ world! 

I’m living my lifelong dream of becoming an author in a way that I could not have envisioned (it’s why I like to say that the Universe always dreams a bigger dream for us than we can dream for ourselves!)

And I’m excited to share that I used my unique manifesting approach to call in many of the wonderful, illuminating experiences in my life and business and attract my book deal (it was easy and fun!)

To put it another way,  

Manifest Anything You Want exists because of the manifesting approach in Manifest Anything You Want 😍

The book is literal proof that consistently applying my unique manifesting approach absolutely works…

And I’m SO excited for you to learn this approach so you too can effortlessly call in your true desires in ways that you can’t even imagine right now!

As seen on

Get This FREE Bonus Gift Bundle (Value $497)

When You Order Your Copy Of Manifest Anything You Want


21 Bespoke 1 Healing Breath Activated Images You Won’t Find Anywhere Else! (value $100, yours free)

1 Healing Breath is a powerful Microaction Manifesting process in the Manifest Anything You Want approach. You’ll learn how to use these 21 gorgeous, activated images to supercharge your manifesting skills when you read the book (see sample images below). 


Experiential Course: The Business Blueprint to Manifest Anything You Want with Ease (Value $397, yours free)

In this live online program (happening in late June 2024), you’ll learn to apply the Manifest Anything You Want approach to call in an ongoing flow of abundance into your business. You’ll learn to implement:

  • Word Energetics – Effortlessly create magnetic copy for aligned sales even if you think you can’t write ( and it works with or without help from generative AI!)
  • Money Energetics – Dissolve limiting money blocks to create wealth and abundance in your biz using powerful Microaction Manifesting tools 
  • Biz Energetics –  Attune to your highest biz purpose, embody your core sacred message and call in high vibrational, soul clients/customers who genuinely love you and who are excited to pay you!

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“Manifest Anything You Want will guide you to your authentic spirit of wholeness and radiance, where manifesting your dreams happens with ease” –Dondi Dahlin, award-winning author of The Five Elements

“How do you get to a place in life that is so aligned with the truth of who you are that manifesting your desires becomes natural and commonplace? You do it by cultivating a healing foundation from deep inside your soul. It is from this place where Shantini Rajah’s Manifest Anything You Want will guide you to your authentic spirit of wholeness and radiance, where manifesting your dreams happens with ease. It might even feel like a little bit of magic.”


“If you’ve ever wondered why your most cherished dreams remain out of reach, then this book is a must-read!” – Dr. Neeta Bhushan, co-founder of the Dharma Coaching Institute, bestselling author of That Sucked. Now What?

“Manifest Anything You Want feels like a breath of fresh air in a world where manifesting is mostly about vision boards and visualizations. Shantini shares unique tools you can apply at any time, including her 1 Healing Breath technique….If you’ve ever wondered why your most cherished dreams remain out of reach no matter what you do, then this book is a must-read!”

“… a wise and gentle companion for anyone looking for more magic…” – Andrea Scher, artist, certified life coach, and author of Wonder Seeker

“Shantini is a bright light in this world and we can follow that light all the way toward realizing our deepest dreams. Manifest Anything You Want is a wise and gentle companion for anyone looking for more magic and wanting to cultivate a manifesting practice that feels powerful and grounded. The book is like a treasure chest of in-depth rituals and in-the-moment tools. A delightful read, this is the kind of book you’ll want to keep close.


Got Questions?

We’ve Got Answers!

When do I receive the book?

Manifest Anything You Want is available starting June 8th.  Please allow a few weeks for delivery especially if you’re located outside of North America.

How about shipping fees?

Standard shipping fees apply

When is the Business Blueprint to Manifest Anything You Want course happening?

This transformative program is happening live online this June 25th, 26th and 27th. You’ll receive all the relevant details, via email, a few minutes after you enter your book order confirmation number on this page and hit the “submit form” button (please feel free to send us an email at support@shantinirajah.com if you have any questions). Don’t worry if you can’t attend the program live. You’ll receive full access to the recordings which means you can watch and learn anytime!

When can I get access to the 21 bespoke 1 Healing Breath images?

You’ll receive an email with a link to download these gorgeous activated images after you enter your book order confirmation number on this page and hit the “submit form” button. Please allow a few minutes for the email to arrive. If you have any questions just shoot us an email at support@shantinirajah.com

What do I do after I order?

Please come back to this page and enter your confirmation number. You’ll find this on your “payment success” page and/or in digital receipt sent to your email address.

I have a question that’s not on this list. What do I do?

No worries! Just send us an email at support@shantinirajah.com.

You Have 2 Options


Simply Order MANIFEST ANYTHING YOU WANT For $19.99 & Get The Full Business Blueprint Program + Bespoke 1 Healing Breath Images Bundle for FREE

(Gift Bundle Total Value $497)

Step #1: Place Your Order


Step #2: Claim Your Goodies

Head back to this page, enter your order number and details below and you’ll receive an email with next steps!


Get the Business Blueprint to Manifest Anything You Want with Ease On It’s Own for $397